[life] Home, sweet home



看了一看 Home,滿腔熱血的找出自己所造訪過的自然美景與大家分享。

相片裡的是美國佛羅里達的 "Keys" 珊瑚群島(Florida Keys),路邊隨便停車下來所看到的大西洋。



法國導演盧貝松 (Luc Besson) 在今年的地球日推出了一部紀錄片:Home。

這一部美麗至極的警世電影,目前已經把完整版大方的放上 Youtube

擔當攝影的是 Yann Arthus-Bertrand


全片一個多小時,youtube 檔案一點多 GB,建議下載回家看;
在公司學校先看預告就好 :)



SL said…
HEY! I posted this to my facebook just this afternoon and was watching it!
把地球的每個部分都拍的好美! Even the very 醜陋 parts of human cities... Sometimes I wonder how they do it... most of it from the sky!

我覺得這是一個must see, 看了之後應該會想為這個 "Home" 做一些改變, especially the part about meats. *大開眼界*
Chord Chung said…
wow! what a coincidence! :D
yes its a really impactful movie in a beatiful way.. everyone should see it!!! :D
cindy said…
Thank you for sharing!

Earth is a amazingly beautiful and fascinating place, and yet the manufactured landscapes are so ugly.

Great film. I was so fascinated by the images and sometimes I forgot to pay attention to the 旁白.
Chord Chung said…

hi really surprise see u visiting here & glad u like this film!!! :D please help to sharing this further.... let's make the world a better place:)

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