it's so sad that they're getting closed down tho 吼我超喜歡坐在路邊攤吃滷味的感覺!..QQ 希望以後在台北街頭某處 還能找得到這種地方..
ah and btw.. gd job chord for the photoshop workshop today!!! feel so bad that i can't listen to the entire one.. (since class ended at 5.. and had IT internal too QQ) 說實在你沒教以前我都不知道那三根滴管是幹嘛用的咧! (其實是 以前根本不知道他們的存在...orz ) ahaahhaa.. thank you thank you!
speakin of the workshop, U WERE THE AMAZING ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! we were all impressed by ur artisitc sense....makin all those awesome image with simple lines and shapes....thats TALENT!!!!!!! GRACE U ROCK!!!!! thx so much for sharing iwth us!!! :D
條紋衫 電風扇 春聯 木頭菜單
it's so sad that they're getting closed down tho
ah and btw.. gd job chord for the photoshop workshop today!!!
feel so bad that i can't listen to the entire one..
(since class ended at 5.. and had IT internal too QQ)
(其實是 以前根本不知道他們的存在...orz )
ahaahhaa.. thank you thank you!
其實老闆年紀也大了 可以安享晚年了吧
但是這樣的路邊攤 的確將越來越少 越來越少…
speakin of the workshop, U WERE THE AMAZING ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! we were all impressed by ur artisitc sense....makin all those awesome image with simple lines and shapes....thats TALENT!!!!!!! GRACE U ROCK!!!!! thx so much for sharing iwth us!!! :D